Dokumen A-Infos Tentang Pertemuan Pertama Kongres JAFNUS (Jaringan Anti-Fasis Nusantara), 19 Desember 1999

Indonesia JAF Nusantara 1st gathering

From "Reko Ravela" <
Date Sat, 18 Dec 1999 11:48:31 -0500 

I've had some communications with indonesian anarchist comrade, and here are some bits of information related to 1st gathering of JAF held 2.-3.12. in Yogyakarta and generally situation of Indonesian left scene. Jaringan Anti-Fasis (JAF, Antifascist Network) is new anarchist(-oriented) network of radical youth groups in Indonesia. 

 "Comrades came from Semarang, Jakarta and Surabaya; Bandung FAF did not make it because they've something on in Sumatera. Delegation from Jember (East Java) came late after the meeting. 
 ... A number of resolutions were made during the meeting : 
  1. We ammended the JAF's platform a little bit 
  2. We made a collaborative media called 'sindikat berontak' (The Rebel syndicate) 
  3. JAF is now called JAF Nusantara. "Nusantara" is the ancient name of Indonesia (during Majapahit kingdom) which is is a geographic description, which means islands in between two great oceans, Indian and Pacific oceans. This actually includes, Thailand, Phillippines, Malaysia. This is more appropriate than Indonesia (which is eurocentric). ... 
Could you send me info/addresses of Phillippine's anarko/revolutionaries? ... Delegates from different areas discussed local conditions. There will be more of such gatherings later. We'll have a big gathering, sometimes next year. ... 

These are the antifa organs in here 
  • Jakarta : AFRA 
  • Semarang: SARAF/ RI Boots 
  • Surabaya : Resistance against Oppression (Barisan Anti Penindas) 
  • Yogyakarta : The last Palm Community ... 

We 've yet to have a strong organisation. JAF is a loose network without any sort of concrete programs ... 

Student organizations, KPRP and GMIP included have formed the national students' league and KPRP's newsletter, 'merah' has become the collaborative media. Very strong ML there. GMIP has a good but very ML publication, 'ganesha' ... 

Sindikat berontak #3 is out now with a writing from you (after political revolution - social revolution). And news from the antifascist gathering, bands etc, ZAPATA etc. ... 

The Indonesian Institute of Art's students in people's cultural institute, 'Taring Padi' continued with their publicaton 'terompet rakyat.' Very responsive to a lot of ideas. Realist art with again ML tendency. Strong involvement with farmers/peasents. There will be a few days workshop/trade fair (12-19 Dec) with farmers, Taring Padi and environmental group, focussing on peasants empowerment and once again making farming relevant to the people who have been viewing farming as a lowly occupation. ... 

The Asia pacific anti imperialism conference had just finished. Korea, Japan, Nepal, Philippine delegates attended. Most are ML/ Maoist/New Left. There was an @ delegate from Japan. Other than that, the resolution was to oppose liberalism, IMF, G7 meeting, Okinawa's Us Military base..Action in Phhilippine in 2000, against imperialism ... 

I am looking for books, phamplet, articels on Zapatista to be translated and possibly published in series in our new media if we change the name of 'sindikat berontak'." 

JAF in Yogyakarta can be contacted: 
c/o ISI, Jalan. Gampingan No.1, Wirobrajan,Yogyakarta.

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